Velocity through ports, Mass velocity through channel/ports calculations. Plate heat exchanger dimension calculations.

Pressure drop Channel/Port/Total for Hot side and cold side Calculations. Overall Coefficient (clean / dirty) calculations. Total effective area & surface area calculation. Heat load required (clean or fouled) calculations. Select from a list of 12 Nusselt number correlations. including the ability to estimate any 2 Unknown temperatures providing that the Heat load and flow rates are specified as input. Temperature and Flow rate estimation in the event of insufficient data. Export Results to Engineering Data sheet, pdf or excel format. Import physical properties data to hot side & cold side from Microsoft Excel & from WeBBusterZ Physical properties database (included with full version). Full version includes manufacturers plate database containing over 230 plates. Unit converter containing 23 measurements with 200-unit conversion. Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement. PHex is an easy to use tool which demonstrates the thermal calculations of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers, The plate dimensions and materials can be entered, this includes the size of plate heat exchanger and chevron angle.